Scary ghost stories in english

Scary ghost stories in english | Real ghost stories in english

Scary ghost stories in english and real ghost stories in english, I can never forget this scary ghost story, I was very scared, even today I remember that thing, then the same ghost comes to me, I still remember that day, ,

Two Scary ghost stories in english 


You are asking, So I tell you this, it was the summer days, I had to come back to my village, the path I took was a very short way, but this path could not reach me to the destination, this thing very much I knew it, I am going to the village, the friend was told.


If you also walk in my surface, it will be very good, but he had some work, so he did not go with me, I had to go alone, this path was not right, it was night, no means. Was not getting, so had to go on foot, at some distance a man is found, he says that I should not go through this path, it is a very scary way, I can feel scared on this path. , No attention to his words Gave, because I didn’t know what he was talking about,

Dark night ghost story

As I proceeded to move forward, the man said, “There is a ghost on this path, which can disturb me, I was laughing at his talk, he was talking about a ghost, but I was not sure.” , So it was moving forward, after some time a very big forest comes, how is this forest here, there should have been a path here, when I saw another way, I had to go through the same path, in Was moving forward, but he The man was talking,


After some time it was found out what the man was saying, someone was following me, his voice was being heard, but when he looked back there was no one, it was a ghost, now on that man’s talk Was sure, but now I had come a long way, now it would be better to go back, I should keep moving forward, I thought that I should leave this place soon, but nothing understood Was coming, because the number of times I moved forward from that place, I find the same place again,

What is that house

This fear had become too much of a ghost, now it was very difficult to move forward, because there was no going forward, I was being held back, I could understand who he was, but that ghost was not visible. , What could I have done now, I am alone here, no one is with me, then the voice comes, why did you come here, it was the voice of the ghost, which was coming to me, hearing this voice So he had to run like this, but where should he run, this Should also know, had been roaming in the forest all night,


Scary ghost stories in english and scary true ghost stories, That ghost’s voice was following me, how could I avoid it, it was morning, there was nothing now, there was no ghost, but the fear was still there, it was not going to be afraid, I think that , That the ghost will not be seen in the day, I know how he came back that day, I am very scared to remember that day, I did not know what is there,

Real ghost stories in english for a king

This is the ghost story of that king. Who came to know about the Ghost. After that his problem had increased a lot. That King was walking in the palace for the first time. He then sees something behind a tree. That king gets scared. Because who can be outside the palace. He sends soldiers. When the soldier watches. Nobody happens at that place. He does not believe it. Because he saw someone some time ago. After that the king goes for a walk in the morning.


He meets a man That man could give everything to the King. But the king says. Who are you. The man says. I can give you money But you have to remember one thing. You do not have to tell anyone anything. Hearing this, King says. Okay. I can not tell anyone. Because the King thinks. We need money for the city. But King did not know. That man is a ghost. At night, the man comes to meet King.

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He says King. How have you come to me The man says. I told you I can fulfill your wish But I can’t tell you about myself Now the King begins to feel. Perhaps this man is a ghost. It has come to me here. I should stay away from it. After some time the man disappears. Now the King was very scared. He meets a monk. Because this problem can increase a lot.


He says Monk, he is a ghost, he allows you If someone is tempted, he starts living with her, King understood this. Because he lives with her. Monk helps here. Because they know. If he starts living with the Ghost King. A lot can go wrong. Monk removes the ghost. Because that ghost came to fulfill his wish.

The story of the lift demanding ghost

This ghost story tells us one thing. Never be tempted in life. Because this greed can put us in problem. If King does not understand at the right time. He could get into trouble. If you like this story. Please do share.

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