Realistic fiction short stories for 7th graders and high school

Realistic fiction short stories for 7th graders and high school

Realistic fiction short stories for 4, 5, 7th graders and high school, This short Hindi story is for everyone, you will like this story, we should take care of some things in life, because it has a great impact on life, 

New Realistic fiction short stories for 7th graders

Realistic fiction short stories, it was the time when a boy studied in class 4, that boy Didn’t know this, in life we ​​should walk very well, because if we don’t do this, it causes problems in life, that guy gets a man, he says, I need help, Because I cannot go home, I am facing a problem, the boy says, what is the problem, that man says,


He tells the man :-

I had to go to that cave, after going to that cave, I can find a way, but I cannot go yet. Huh, I need your help, that guy thinks for a while, he doesn’t understand why he wants to go to the cave, until that guy can’t understand this, he shouldn’t do anything, he tells the man, I can help you, but what is in that cave, the man says, there is money in that cave,

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If I get that money, then I can go to my house later, that boy agrees to that man, that boy goes to that cave, he sees money in that cave, but the money is too much, The man wanted that money, but he could have it, he did not understand why, he told me, that boy sees a Monk, that Monk was praying on the same, that boy would go to that Monk. Is, he tells them, whose wealth is this,

This money :-

He says Monk, “Who are you, why are you here, that guy tells everything, then he says Monk, this money is not the man’s, he wants to take it, but he can easily take this money Can’t take it from someone, he needs someone, then he sends it to you, because he can’t touch money, you’re a little boy, you can take this money, because you don’t have greed , Who has greed inside, he cannot take money,

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The guy understands, the man wants to get money, but he can’t get the money, he says Monk, you go outside the cave, that man can attack you, so you shouldn’t go out, he The boy says, he is waiting for me, he says Monk, I can send you out, he sends the boy out of the cave, he gives the boy a shadow of money,

Maybe :-

so that man does not tell him anything. Maybe, that guy comes out, then he sees the guy, the boy has a lot of money, The boy goes away, because the man could harm him, after some time the man sees it, it is a shadow, there is no money here, that man understands, all that Monk has done. , That man goes inside for the greed of money,


because he was feeling, now he has to go to get money, he goes inside the cave, but he cannot take the money, after some time he goes inside for greed for money He stops, he understands, he shouldn’t have gone inside


Realistic fiction short stories, The boy had come out, but he should not have done all this, because he could have faced the problem, but all this could not be done due to Monk, so do not do any work in life without thinking. Want, we should help very carefully, if you like this story, you must share,

The Café at the Corner :- Realistic fiction short stories

It was a crisp autumn morning when Sarah stepped into the cozy café at the corner of Maple Street. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries greeted her, enveloping her in a sense of comfort and familiarity. With a soft smile, she made her way to her usual spot by the window, where the morning sunlight streamed in, casting a golden glow over the small wooden table. As Sarah settled into her seat,

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she couldn’t help but reminisce about the countless mornings she had spent in this quaint café. It had become her sanctuary, a place where she could escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and simply be herself. Lost in her thoughts, Sarah barely noticed the arrival of the café owner, Mr. Thompson, a kindly man with a warm smile and twinkling eyes. He greeted her with a friendly nod before bustling off to attend to the other customers.


As Sarah sipped her coffee and nibbled on a flaky croissant, she watched the world go by outside the window. People hurried past, their faces hidden behind scarves and hats, lost in their own little worlds. But in the café, time seemed to stand still, offering a brief respite from the chaos of the outside world. Just then, the door swung open, and a familiar figure stepped inside.


It was Jack, Sarah’s old friend from college. His face lit up with surprise and delight when he spotted her sitting by the window. “Sarah! Is it really you?” he exclaimed, crossing the room to greet her with a warm hug. Sarah returned the embrace, her heart swelling with happiness at the sight of her dear friend. It had been years since they had last seen each other, but the bond they shared remained as strong as ever. Over steaming cups of coffee, Sarah and Jack caught up on old times, sharing stories and laughter as if no time had passed at all.


They reminisced about their college days, the late-night study sessions, and the countless adventures they had embarked on together. But amid the laughter and nostalgia, there was an unspoken sadness that lingered between them. Both Sarah and Jack had pursued their own paths in life, chasing dreams and ambitions that had led them far away from each other. As the hours slipped by, Sarah couldn’t shake the feeling of longing that tugged at her heartstrings. She had missed Jack more than she cared to admit, and the realization filled her with a bittersweet sense of regret.


But just as she was about to voice her thoughts, Jack reached across the table and took her hand in his own. His eyes were soft with understanding, as if he could sense the turmoil brewing within her. “Sarah, I’ve missed you,” he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. “Life has taken us down different paths, but that doesn’t mean we have to lose touch. Let’s make an effort to stay connected, no matter where our journeys take us.” Sarah felt a surge of warmth flood her heart at Jack’s words. In that moment,


she knew that their friendship was a bond that could withstand the test of time, no matter how far apart they may be. With a smile, Sarah nodded in agreement, her heart brimming with gratitude for the chance to reconnect with her dear friend. As they bid farewell and stepped out into the crisp autumn air, she knew that no matter where life took her, the memories they shared would always bring her back to the café at the corner of Maple Street. And in that simple, timeless place, Sarah found solace in the beauty of friendship and the enduring power of connection.

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Realistic fiction short stories, As she walked home, the warmth of the morning sun on her face, Sarah couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace settle over her. For in the midst of life’s uncertainties, she had found a glimmer of hope in the simple act of sharing a cup of coffee with an old friend. And in that moment, she knew that no matter what the future held, she would always cherish the memories they had created together in the café at the corner.

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