Inspirational real life stories for indian students


Inspirational real life stories for indian students | English story

Inspirational real life stories for indian students, This is the true story of a student, He was able to save the man, He did not know who he is, But it was very important to save him,

Best Inspirational real life stories for indian students


He was very poor :-

This is the time when the students were coming back to their home, that The students had come to his house on foot, he was very poor, he knew this, he could not use any vehicle, because he was very short of money, so he came on foot, he was on his own comes home, The eyes of the students go on a man, that man was giving food to the people sitting outside the temple, he can be very rich, because he was feeding all the people, he thinks the students are very hungry too. 

No Money :-

So he goes to the temple, he takes food from the man, he eats it, he knew the students, he cannot get food even after going home, he eats it only at the time of evening, because he has money No, he lives with his mother in the house, the mother works in the house, only then can she get food, Those students were doing their studies very hard, because whatever money they get, they eat food,

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Rich man :-

After that they spend on their studies, that students had eaten, that rich man sits in the car, his After he goes to his house, he also goes to the students’ house, but on the way the car was stopped near a tree, no one could see, the man fell on the ground, the boy goes to him, He gives the man water, After that the man looks at the students, he sees, he has a boy, he is helping him, he recognizes the boy, because he also gave him food, he tells the boy, you here But how have you come,

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You are not well :-

The students tell everything to the man, The man says, you are very good, You have come to help me, while I do not see anyone, he says the students, I go home It was, I saw you and then came to help you, Hearing this, the man says, I was very sick, So I could not drive the car, after that the boy says, You are not well, you go to my surface, that man goes with that boy , After that he sees, that boy is very poor, there is nothing in his house, He asks the man to rest, Because his health was still bad, The students give him water, the man drinks water, The man says, you live here alone,

The man says :- 

He says students, I live with my mother, she has gone to work at home, she will come back in the evening, the man looks at that students house, he was looking at home, but there was nothing in it, he How the two live in this house, the man says, I am fine now, I should go home, that man says that boy to the house, I can come to meet you tomorrow, he says students, you can come anytime Hai, you are very good, you were feeding all people in the temple, the man says, I will come tomorrow,

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very nice boy :-

The next day the man comes to meet the students, He comes in his car, the man says, I think, You are a very nice boy, because you know how to help, you serve everyone, I think , If I will not help you, it will not be a good thing, His elder man gives a good place for them, in which he can live, he also spends the education of that boy, it makes the life of that boy good. , Now he can become a good man,

Moral Of The Story

Because someone has come to help him, Everything can happen with one of our help in life, So in life you should also help, Because helping can make everything good, If you liked this good story of students, Inspirational real life stories for indian students, english story, You can share.

Problem of my life :- Inspirational real life stories for indian students

Today my life is very problematic. I feel. My life is not going to be good. Because my life is not going well. Hearing this, the boy says. I know. You are my friend. I know you You work very hard. Today you are very afraid of that problem. When any problem arises. There is no need to be afraid of him. Hearing this, the boy says.

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You are right. But I know. I don’t have anything today. I feel. Life ahead is going to be very difficult. Even after hearing this, the boy says. I always remember that thing. When we used to study in school. You were given that job. The work that everyone had refused. But you have done that job very well. Was it not a problem at that time? Did everything seem easy? Hearing this, he felt the same today. He’s scared too much. Although he was very strong.

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Inspirational real life stories for indian students, english story, He felt today after listening to his friend. He can face all the problems. Because he is not afraid of any problem. When he tells this to his friend. He is very happy. Because today his friend has agreed to face the problem again. Life is full of problems. There is a lot of problem in this. So never be afraid. Always think to solve the problem. Only after that all the problems can be solved. If you liked this story. Please do share.

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